
Sunday, 9 June 2013

Graduate Fashion Week

I can’t believe it’s Graduate Fashion Week already. I remember when I was a tired-eyed, caffeine fuelled, sleep deprived student frantically sewing, fitting and styling my final major project ready for my debut in Earl’s Court. It’s hard to believe that there’s been 4 lots of graduates since I was there… 4 years since I’ve graduated from my Bachelors Degree in Fashion Design from Manchester School of Art.

I loved my final year project, design and create 6 outfits from scratch. I specialised in young woven womenswear (original, I know) I based my collection around a roll of fabric I found in a small store in Sheffield. It was a large sequinned, dip-dyed fabric – I loved the colours, midnight blue with a touch of purples. I wanted to create a collection that was fun for women to wear. 


  1. Great blog and well done that's amazing!!!

    Visit us :-) - One click away from the French lifestyle

  2. Replies
    1. Indeed I do. Blood, sweat and tears went into making them, I couldn't part with them!

  3. We must've have been at the same place at the same time! I exhibited my FMP in 2009 at graduate fashion week. Because i was so stressed at the time, it felt like an out-of-body experience! definitely not all there! Your illustrations are awesome, your collection looks gorgeous! x

    1. Thanks! What university did you go to? I honestly can't believe it's been 4 years. I love your blog by the way! xx
